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fbs biowest

fbs    biowest

محیط کشت fbs Fetal bovine serum (FBS) is a byproduct of harvesting cattle for the meatpacking industry–it offers essential growth factors for the maintenance and growth of cultured cells. FBS is used as a supplement to basal growth medium in cell culture applications.
Gibco fetal bovine serum products
Choose the right fetal bovine serum for your specific cell culture needs—from basic research to specialty assays. Whether you need fetal bovine serum with the least viral risk, the lowest endotoxin levels, or sera qualified for specialty applications and assays, Gibco products offer superior value. What is the difference between fetal bovine serum and fetal calf serum?There is no difference. Both terms refer to serum from an How is dialyzed FBS processed? It is dialyzed by tangential flow filtration against 0.15 M NaCl using a 10,000 molecular weight cutoff membrane until the glucose level is less than 5 mg/dL. Because this is not exhaustive dialysis, low molecular weight dialyzable components such as amino acids may not becompletely removed. Exhaustive dialysis is not performedbecause it can result in precipitation and inactivation of serum peptides.

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آگهی: fbs biowest
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