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رله pilz مدلpnoz x3

رله pilz  مدلpnoz x3

PNOZsigma رله ایمنی (مستقل)
ولتاژ تغذیه 24 ولت DC
دارای یک عدد نیمه هادی
دارای دروازه های ایمنی
دارای پایانه از نوع E-STOP
همراه با تشخیص اتصالات کوتاه
ورودی به صورت سیم کشی 1 و 2 کاناله
دارای IP40, IP54 , IP20
خروجی به صورت 3 عدد normally open و 1 عدد normally close
Unit features
Positive-guided relay outputs:
– 3 safety contacts (N/O), instantaneous
– 1 auxiliary contact (N/C), instantaneous
1 semiconductor output
Connection options for:
– E-STOP pushbutton
– Safety gate limit switch
– Start button
LED display for:
– Supply voltage
– Switch status of the safety contacts
Semiconductor output signals:
– Switch state of the safety contacts
See order reference for unit types
Safety features
The safety relay meets the following safety requirements:
The circuit is redundant with built-in self-monitoring.
The safety function remains effective in the case of a component failure.
The correct opening and closing of the safety function relays is tested automatically in
each on-off cycle.

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آگهی: رله pilz مدلpnoz x3
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