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محمد مهدی گزچیان

تدریس خصوصی #C - آنلاین

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شماره تماس: 09215310967

تدریس مجازی و آنلاین #C به صورت حرفه ای در دو سطح مقدماتی و پیشرفته.
همراه با پروژه کاربردی.

مباحث آموزشی دوره مقدماتی :
Introduction to C#
- What is C#?
- How to install and run Visual Studio 2019?

Data types and Operators
- What are the common data types in C#?
- What are arrays and lists?
- How to format C# strings
- What is a value type vs reference type?
- What are the common C# operators?

Object Oriented Programming
- What is object oriented programming?
- How to write your own classes
- What are fields, properties, methods and constructors?
- What is encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism?
- What is an abstract class and interface?
- What is an enum and struct?

Controlling the Flow of a Program
- What are condition statements?
- How to use control flow statements in C#
- What are jump statements?
- How to handle errors and exceptions
ADO.NET And Sql Server
- Connection string
- Table, Row, Field
- Select, Insert, Update, Delete

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محمد مهدی گزچیان
محمد مهدی گزچیان
آگهی: تدریس خصوصی #C - آنلاین
محمد مهدی گزچیان