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گرد st60
گرد st60
+ ثبت آگهی
مصطفی قاسمی
St60 st60.2 st60 2 میلگرد ورق
DIN ST 60-2 steel rod st60-2 / plate st60-2 /sheet st60-2 for general Construction steels
ST 60-2 steel plate/sheet, DIN 17100 ST 60-2 steel plate/sheet, under DIN standard, we can regard ST 60-2 steel plate/sheet for general Construction steels.DIN 17100 ST 60-2 steel plate/sheet is for general Construction steels. The followings are the chemical composition and the mechanical properties of DIN ST 60-2 steel. ST 60-2 steel is according to DIN 17100 standard and it is equivalent to DIN17100:St60- ...
۴ روز پیش
0912 301 1168
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